Student Information System (SIS)

Student Information System (SIS)

The SIS is available online 24/7 and is accessible by students, parents, and educators.  The SIS is used to enter, track, and report on the following: Student Demographic and Enrollment Data (Census), Scheduling, Gradebook and Report Cards, Attendance, Health, Behavior (Discipline), and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

This website is designed to support the use of the SIS. Resources are organized by module, according to the Index appearing within the Student Information System.

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Contact the I.T. Help Desk at or by calling 215-400-5555.

Resources by Module

Ad Hoc Reporting


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Ad Hoc Reports for Schedulers Stepper Principal, Scheduler, Secretary
Filter Designer - Selection Editor Stepper Principal, SIS Coach, Secretary, Messenger Designee
Homeless Students Ad Hoc Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Placement Act 66 Ad Hoc Report Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduler, Secretary
SNAP Card Address Validation Ad Hoc Stepper Principal, AP

Affirm/Data Quality Tool


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Accessing Affirm Reports Stepper Secretary
Submitting Exception Requests or Errors for Affirm Stepper Secretary

Computer Inventory (CI) Rules

Resource Name Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
CI100 Every actively enrolled student must have a Computer assignment Quick Fix Principal, Assistant Principal, School Technology Coordinator (STC), PPIS Designee, Secretary, SIS Coach
CI101 Students may not have more than 1 computer assignment Quick Fix Principal, Assistant Principal, School Technology Coordinator (STC), PPIS Designee, Secretary, SIS Coach

Discipline (DS) Rules

Resources Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
DS 100 Behavior Resolution Start & End Date must be on an instructional day during the school year Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 109 Behavior Resolution Start Date must not be before the associated Incident Date Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 121 Every absence coded as out-of-school-suspension (Code 15) must be linked to an out-of-school suspension on the behavior tab Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 122 Suspension Behavior Resolutions cannot start or end in the middle of the school day Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 123 Suspension Behavior Resolutions for different Behavior Incidents cannot overlap Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 125 When an incident has multiple Behavior Events, the start and end dates for suspension Behavior Resolution must be exactly the same Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 150 Students can only be suspended for valid legal offenses according to the Behavior Matrix. Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 151 K-2 students cannot have a suspension Behavior Resolution without approval Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 300 Every Behavior Resolution of "11 - Referred to the ICU" must be called into the ICU desk. Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 302 Every Behavior Event must have a Behavior Resolution for each Offender Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 303 Every Behavior Event must have at least one Offender or Victim Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 402 A Behavioral Incident should not have two Behavior Events of the same type for the same student Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 403 A student should not have multiple behavioral incidents
that occur at the same time (within 5 minutes)
Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 404 A single Code of Conduct violation event should not have 2 Behavior Resolutions of the same type Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 500 Only Behavior Events of Seclusion/Restraint (Code 33/34) must have a completed Behavior Response Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
DS 502 Only Behavior Events of Seclusion/Restraint (Code 33/34) must have the checkbox selected for "This event required the use of a Behavior Response" Quick Fix Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean

English Learners (EL) Rules

Resources Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
EL 105 All students who were tested for EL services must have an Initial Placement Level Quick Fix EL Point Person
EL 107 All students who were tested for EL services must have an Initial Placement Level and Date Quick Fix EL Point Person
EL 108 Students actively enrolled with a home primary language other than English need to have an EL Initial Placement Record created within the EL Screening window. Quick Fix EL Point Person
EL 120 When the EL Placement Level is "NA: Not Administered," the Not Administered Reason must be indicated Quick Fix EL Point Person
EL 500 Students who took ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS need
to have an EL Initial Placement Record
Quick Fix EL Point Person

Enrollment (EN) Rules

Resources Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
EN 320 A student with an enrollment for the next school year must have an age within the appropriate range for the grade level. Quick Fix Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
EN 410 The student's current enrollment should have the correct Online Registration application number attached to it Quick Fix Principal, AP, Secretary
EN 415 An OLR application should move on from ‘Submitted-New’, ‘Pending – Outreach’, or ‘Nurse Approved’ status with three (3) business days. Quick Fix Principal, AP, Secretary

Scheduling (SCH) Rules

Resources Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
SCH 100 Students must not be scheduled into multiple homeroom sections Quick Fix Schedulers

Student Records (SR) Rules

Resources Rule Description Resource Type Potential Users
SR 100 Name can contain letters, space, apostrophe or dash (hyphen) but cannot end with a suffix, space or special character Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 110 Student Birth Date is required Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 112 Student Age must fall within the appropriate range for their grade for students who are not in Special Ed Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 113 Date Entered US School must be prior to today Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 120 A students home primary language cannot be blank if the student has an EL Initial Placement test record indicating the student is an EL Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 121 EL students who entered SDP in the last 3 years and are in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade should have a birth country specified Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 150 Federal Designation, State Designation, and Race/Ethnicity Determination fields must all be filled appropriately Federal Designation, State Designation, and Race/Ethnicity Determination fields must all be filled appropriately. Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 151 Federal Hispanic/Latino Code is required Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 154 If student is Hispanic/Latino, State Race Code must be Hispanic Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 155 Federal race designation and state race designations must align Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 200 Students must have one and only one active primary household Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support
SR 201 A student’s active Primary Household must have only one current address Quick Fix Principal, Secretary, Enrollment Support



Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Attendance Support for Simple Schedule Schools Video Attendance Support
Attendance Support for Master Schedule Schools Video Attendance Support
Attendance Wizard (K-8/Simple) Stepper Secretary
Attendance Wizard (Master Schedule) Stepper Secretary
Recording Homeroom Attendance with Classroom Monitor (K-8/Simple) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support Specialist
Recording Period Attendance with Classroom Monitor (Master Schedule) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support Specialist
Resolving Individual Student Attendance (K-8/Simple) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support Specialist
Resolving Individual Student Attendance (Master Schedule) Stepper Principal, AP, SIS Coach, Secretary, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manger, Teacher

Scanning (Swipe and ID Badge Creation)

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Section Rosters (Photo Book) Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Teachers, Nurse, Dean, Attendance Designee, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Specialist, Scheduler
Scan History Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Teachers, Nurse, Dean, Attendance Designee, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Specialist, Scheduler
Student ID Badge Creation Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SIS Attendance Support Specialist, Attendance Designee, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manager, Dean
Student ID Scanning Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SIS Attendance Support Specialist, Attendance Designee, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manager, Dean
Student Scan Alerts and Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SIS Attendance Support Specialist, Attendance Designee, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manager, Dean
Student Scan History Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Teachers, Nurse, Dean, Attendance Designee, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Specialist, Scheduler
Swipe Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Teachers, Nurse, Dean, Attendance Designee, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Specialist, Scheduler
Quick Steps - ID Scanning and ID Badge Creation Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SIS Attendance Support Specialist, Attendance Designee, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manager, Dean


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Attendance Reports (K-8/Simple) Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
Attendance Reports (Master Schedule) Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
Printing the Sub Attendance Roster (K-8/Simple) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
Printing the Sub Attendance Roster (Master Schedule) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
Printing an Early Dismissal Pass (Ad Hoc Letters) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
Scan History Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Teacher, Nurse, Dean, Attendance Designee, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Specialist, Scheduler
Swipe Report Report Stepper Principal, Assistant Principal, Secretary, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Staff


Referral Resources

Management Resources

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Behavior Management (Admin) Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Behavior Management (Admin) Reference Guide Reference Guide Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Disciplinary Transfer Process Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Entering a Behavior Referral (Admin) Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Entering Behavior Resolutions Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Restraints and Seclusion (Admin) Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Restraints and Seclusion (Admin) Reference Guide Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
Restraints and Seclusion (Admin) Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Behavior Admin Report Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
CICO Dashboard Report Stepper Principal, AP, PBIS Data Analyst
Minor Form Entry Report Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean
ODR Teacher Referral Report Report Stepper All
PBIS Behavior Monitoring Dashboard Report Stepper Climate Manager, Dean, Counselor, PBIS Data Analyst
PBIS Behavior Monitoring Dashboard for Administrators and PBIS Coaches Report Stepper Principal, AP
PBIS Behavior Monitoring Dashboard: Access and Navigation Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean, Counselor, PBIS Data Analyst

Campus Instruction (Teachers)


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Adjusting Instruction Settings Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Adjusting Instruction Settings Video SIS Coach, Teacher
New Look of Campus Instruction Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
The New Look of Campus Instruction Video SIS Coach, Teacher
Classroom in Campus Instruction Stepper Teacher
Classroom in Campus Instruction Video Teacher
Navigation of Campus Instruction Video SIS Coach, Teacher
Teaching Center Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Teaching Center Video SIS Coach, Teacher
Contact Log Stepper Principal, AP, Teacher, Counselor, Attendance Designee, Dean, Climate Manager
Contact Log Video Principal, AP, Teacher, Counselor, Attendance Designee, Dean, Climate Manager


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Taking Attendance Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Taking Attendance Video SIS Coach, Teacher

Message Center

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Message Center Stepper Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Message Center for Teachers Video SIS Coach, Teacher

Seating Chart

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Creating a Seating Chart Stepper Teacher


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Roster in Campus Instruction Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Roster in Campus Instruction Video SIS Coach, Teacher

Student Groups

Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Student Groups Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Student Groups Video SIS Coach, Teacher


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Reports in Campus Instruction Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher



Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Computer Inventory Tool in Census Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, PPIS Designee, SIS Coach, STC
Enrolling an Existing SDP Student Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Enrolling and Withdrawing a Student Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
FERPA Tab Stepper All Users
Military Connections Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
New Summary Tab Guide All
Placement Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Start and End Status Codes Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Summer and ESY Programs Training Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Uploading a Student Picture Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Using Census for Paper Registration & Enrollment Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Adding a Parent/Guardian Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Adding a Student Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Adding an Emergency Contact Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Defining Relationships and Assigning Emergency Contacts Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Ensuring Accurate Data and Set Up for Messaging Students and Parents/Guardians Stepper Principal, SIS Coach, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Race/Ethnicity Compliance Document Policy Document Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Updating Contact Information Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Updating Emergency Contacts Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Adding and End-Dating Household Memberships Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Changing a Household Address Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Changing a Household Address Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Changing a Household Phone Number Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Creating a Household with Census Tools Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Creating a Household with Census Tools Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Creating a Household with Census Wizard Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Creating a Household with Census Wizard Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Creating a Secondary Household with Census Tools Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Editing Household Memberships Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Updating a Household Phone Number Video Video Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support

Online Registration

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
OLR-Work Flow Document Guide Secretary, Nurse, Enrollment Support
OLR-Principal Stepper Stepper Principal, AP
OLR-Secretary Stepper Stepper Secretary, Enrollment Support
OLR-Nurse Stepper Stepper Nurse
Using the Housing Tab to Identify Homeless Students Stepper Counselor
OLR - The Role of the Nurse Video Nurse
OLR Processing for Secretaries Video Secretary, Enrollment Support


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Census Module Reports Report Stepper Principal, SIS Coach, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Computer Inventory Reports Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, PPIS Designee, SIS Coach, STC, Teacher
Classroom Chromebook Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Teacher
Dropout School-Level Dashboard Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Placement Tab Report Stepper Principals, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Kindergarten Registration School-Level Dashboard Report Stepper (Simple Schedule School) Principal, AP, Secretary
Student ID Badge Creation Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SIS Attendance Support Specialist, Attendance Designee, Enrollment Support Specialist, Climate Manager, Dean
Student Tech Inventory and Attendance Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, PPIS Designee

Data Visualization


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
School Level Enrollment Verification Dashboard Stepper Principal
Network Level Enrollment Verification Dashboard Stepper Assistant Superintendent
Enrollment Targets Dashboard Stepper Assistant Superintendent, Principal (Criteria-Based & Citywide), AP (Criteria-Based & Citywide)
Enrollment Projection Dashboard Stepper Stepper Assistant Superintendent, Principal, AP
Who Has Been Offered a Seat at my School? Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Where Have my Students Been Offered Seats? Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
School Selection: Preliminary Applicant Eligibility Status Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor

Grading and Standards


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
12th Grade Complete vs In Progress Credits Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduler
Batch Transcript Report Report Stepper Principal, Roster Chair, Counselor
Class Rank Report Report Stepper Principal, Scheduling Designee, Roster Chair, Counselor
Final Grades Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduler, Counselor
Grade Impact Report Video Principal, AP
Grade Impact Report Report Stepper Principal, AP
Interim Reports Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduling Designee, Roster Chair
Overriding Final Grades Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduler
Principal End of Term Process Video Principal, AP
Principal End of Term Process Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduling Designee, Roster Chair
Projected GPA Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Master and Assistant Master Scheduler
School-Level Credit Recovery Data Visualization Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Master and Assistant Master Scheduler
Teacher Grade Impact Report Video Teacher
Teacher Grade Impact Report Report Stepper Teacher
Uploading Transcripts with Midyear Grades Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Uploading Transcripts with Schedules Stepper Principal, AP, Roster Chair, Counselor





Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Campus Messenger: Message Sending Basics Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger: Creating Templates Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger: The Sent Messenger and Recipients Log Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger: Canceling Messages Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger: User Created Voice Messages Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger: Previewing the Recipients Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee
Campus Messenger Video Video Principal, Messenger Designee
Messenger for 12th Grade Students Who Are No Longer Enrolled Stepper Principal, SIS Coach, Teacher, Secretary
Using Campus Messenger to Communicate with ESY & Summer Program Families Stepper Principal, Messenger Designee

Portal – Family & Student

Parent & Family Portal (Campus Parent)

The Parent & Family Portal (Campus Parent) is designed specifically for parents and guardians to see information pertaining to student(s) schedules, grades, attendance, and contact preferences.

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Computer Serial Number in Parent Portal Stepper Families
Parent & Family Portal Account Registration Stepper Families
Parent & Family Portal Account Registration Video Video Families
Parent & Family Portal Confirmation Code Stepper (for School-Based Staff) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support Specialist
Parent & Family Portal Video Video Families
Parent & Family Portal Troubleshooting (for School-Based Staff) Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support Specialist
Parent & Family Portal Stepper Stepper Families
Parent Portal: Viewing Progress toward Completion of Act 158 Stepper Families
Parent Portal: Viewing Progress toward Completion of Act 158 Video Families
Viewing Check and Reflect in Campus Parent Stepper Families
Viewing Check and Reflect in Campus Parent Video Families

Student Portal (Campus Student)

The Student Portal (Campus Student) is designed specifically for students to see information pertaining to schedules, grades, and attendance.

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Check and Reflect Video Video Families
Computer Serial Number in Student Portal Stepper Students
Student Portal Stepper Students
Student Portal - Backpack Video Video Students
Student Portal: Viewing Progress toward Completion of Act 158 Stepper Students
Student Portal: Viewing Progress toward Completion of Act 158 Video Students
Viewing Check and Reflect in Campus Student Stepper Students
Viewing Report Cards in Campus Student Stepper Students

Program Admin


Resource Name Resource Type Potential Users
Assigning Academic Plans Stepper Principal, Counselor
Calculate On-Track Status Stepper Principal, Counselor
Creating Course Requests Stepper Principal, Counselor
Grade Improvement Programs Video Video Principal, AP, Roster Chair
Program Stepper (Targeted Interventions) Stepper Principal, K-8 Scheduling Designee, Roster Chair
Program Stepper (Grade Improvement Courses) Stepper Principal, Roster Chair
Targeted Intervention Programs Video Video Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler, Roster Chair



Resources Resource Type Potential Users
K8 Scheduling Checklist Reference Guide Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler
K8 Simple Scheduler Stepper Stepper Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler
Managing Teacher Assignments Stepper Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler
Master Schedule Rostering by Network Dashboard Data Visualization Stepper Assistant Superintendent
Master Schedule: Managing Courses, Creating Course Sections, and Assigning Teachers Stepper Principal, AP, Master Scheduler
Master Schedule Rostering Dashboard Data Visualization Stepper Principal, AP, Master and Assistant Master Scheduler
Using Requests and Rosters to Manage a Group of Students in a Section (for Master Schedulers) Stepper Principal, AP, Master Scheduler
Opportunity Network Rostering Dashboard Stepper Assistant Superintendent
Pupil Assignment Sheet (E-55) Form Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler
Rostering K8 Students into Homerooms and Associated Reports Stepper Secretary, K-8 Scheduler
Seating Chart in the Sections Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Nurse, Scheduler, Secretary, SIS Enrollment Support Specialist


Resources Resource Type Potential users
Correctly Rostered Students (K-8) Data Visualization Report Stepper Principal, AP, Simple Scheduler
Correctly Rostered Students by Network (K-8) Data Visualization Report Stepper Assistant Superintendent
Master Schedule Report Stepper Principal, K-8 Scheduling Designee
Section Demographics Report Stepper Principal, AP, Scheduler, SPECM, EL Point Person
Section Rosters Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Dean, Climate Manager, Enrollment Support Staff, Scheduler

Student Information


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
3 Year Attendance Summary Stepper Principal, Assistant Principal, Secretary, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee, and Attendance Support, Dean, SIS Enrollment Support Specialist
504 Tab Stepper Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Nurse, Secretary
Act 1 Tab and Act 1 School Confirmation Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point, Act 158 Point, Master Scheduler, Assistant Master Scheduler, Act 158 Administrator
Adding Graduation Data Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary
AEDY Referral Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, SIS Enrollment Support, Secretary
Athletics Stepper Athletic Directors
Backpack Stepper for Report Card Conferences Stepper Principal, AP, Teacher, Scheduler, Counselor
Behavior Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean, Counselor
Calendar Selection Stepper All Users
Check and Reflect Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, K-8 Scheduler, Master Scheduler, Climate Manager, Dean
CICO Plan PBIS ONLY and CICO PBIS ONLY Stepper PBIS Schools Only
Conducting an Address Search Stepper All Users
Gifted Tab Stepper Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Homeless Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Homeless Tab for Nurses Stepper Nurses
Legal Alerts Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary
Master Schedule: Walk-in Scheduler Stepper Principal, Master Scheduler
Minor Form Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean, Teacher
Navigation and Search Video All Users
Opt Out Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Pregnant & Parenting Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Promoting a K8 student Stepper Principal, Secretary, K-8 Scheduler
Retaining Students Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary
Student Search Stepper All Users
Summary Tab Guide All Users
Transcript Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Transportation Tab Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Counselor
Minor Form for Classroom Managed Events Video Principal, AP, Climate Manager, Dean, Teacher
Viewing Information in Student Information General for Nurses Stepper Nurses
Walk-In Scheduler Stepper Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler, Secretary, Enrollment Support

Academic Planning (MYAP)

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Act 158 - Using MYAP to View Progress Towards Act 158 Pathway Completion Video Act 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Master/Assistant Master Scheduler, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person
Language Waiver Stepper EL Point, Counselor, Roster Chair
MYAP Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
MYAP - View Progress toward Act 158 Pathway Completion Stepper Act 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Master/Assistant Master Scheduler, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person
Updating the Student's Course Plan Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor

English Learners (EL)

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Accessing EL Data in SIS Stepper Principal, AP, EL Point Person
EL Initial Placement Process Stepper Principal, AP, EL Point Person
EL Reclassification Process Stepper Principal, AP, EL Point Person


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
PLP Contact Log Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Climate Manager, Dean, Attendance Support, Enrollment Support
PLP - Custom Forms & Uploading Act 158 Evidence Video Act 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person
PLP - Custom Forms & Uploading Act 158 Evidence Stepper Act 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person

Response to Intervention (MTSS)

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
Attendance Designee Webinar Video Attendance Designee
Attendance Plan Reference Guide Reference Guide Attendance Designee
Attendance Plan Stepper Stepper Attendance Designee
Batch Setup Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Behavior Plan Reference Guide Reference Guide Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Behavior Plan Stepper Stepper Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Creating a Plan Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Finalizing an MTSS Plan Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Intervention Delivery/Progress Monitoring Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Literacy K-12 Plan Reference Guide Reference Guide SIS Coach, Teacher
Literacy K-12 Plan Stepper Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
Math K-12 Plan Reference Guide Reference Guide SIS Coach, Teacher
Math K-12 Plan Stepper Stepper SIS Coach, Teacher
RtI Batch Setup Stepper Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
RtI Contact Log Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
RtI Contact Log Stepper Teacher, Counselor, Attendance Designee, Principals, Assistant Principal, Dean, Climate Manager
Team Members Video Attendance Designee, Counselor, SIS Coach, Teacher
Viewing a RTI (MTSS) Plan Stepper Principal, AP, Climate Manager

Special Education

Resources Resource Type Potential Users
ESY Attending Tab Stepper Stepper Principal, SEL, Special Education Teacher
SEL Video Video Principal, AP, SEL
Special Education Tabs Stepper Principal, AP, SEL


Resources Resource Type Potential Users
504 Data Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Nurse, Secretary
Act 1 Report-School Level Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, SPECM, Act 158 Administrator
Athletic Reports Report Stepper Athletic Director, Nurse
Athletics Roster Report Report Stepper Athletics Director
Check and Reflect Report Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor
Contact Log Admin Reports Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Dean
Contact Log User Reports Stepper Report Stepper All Users
Early Intervention Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, SEL
EL Reports Report Stepper Principal, AP, EL Point Person
Emergency Contact Listing Report Report Stepper All Users
Incoming 9th Grade Student Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Attendance Designee, Master Scheduler, Assistant Master Scheduler
Next Year Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, K-8 Scheduler, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Next Year Report Stepper - Kindergarten Registration Report Stepper Secretary
PHLConnectEd Report Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP
Pregnant and Parenting Student Report Report Stepper Principal, SIS Coach, Secretary, Counselor
RtI (MTSS) Plan History Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee
RtI (MTSS) Plan History Report Video Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee
RTI (MTSS) Reports Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee
RtI (MTSS) School View Reports Report Stepper Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee
RtI (MTSS) School View Reports Video Principal, AP, Counselor, Climate Manager, Attendance Designee
Special Education Student Listing Report Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, SEL
State ID Student Listing Report Stepper All Users
Students Information Reports Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support
Total Eligible ESY Students Report Stepper Report Stepper Special Education Teacher, SPECM, Principal, AP
Updated Contacts Form Stepper Report Stepper Principal, AP, Secretary, Enrollment Support, Teacher
Photo Book Report Report Stepper Various

User Communication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Select a topic for a list of FAQs


  1. What access is available for staff at my school?
    A document outlining school-based SIS access by HR title is available here.
  2. Who can access student health information in Infinite Campus?
    SIS has a designated Health module. Only designated users who are authorized to view and update a student’s medical record will have access to the Health module. This includes nurses and principals/APs.
  3. Will there be limited access under our sign-on when not at work?
    The Infinite Campus system is a web-based system. Users can access the system with their designated access levels and capabilities from anywhere they have internet access.
  4. Will certain SSAs (Supportive Services Assistants) and SISLs (School Improvement Support Liaisons) that work in the office and help with attendance and registrations have access to this new system?
    The District will train staff who perform attendance and registration functions.  A document outlining school-based roles with additional SIS access is available here. NOTE: Principals will be responsible for identifying these staff members by contacting the Helpdesk and they will be required to attend training before receiving access.

Attendance Swipe System

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, true middle and high schools will begin utilizing a student ID swipe system contained within the District’s Student Information System (SIS), Infinite Campus.

What does this mean for me?
Swipe data will now come into the SIS in real-time.

Will the swipe attendance logic function the same?
Yes! The swipe attendance logic will interact with teacher entered attendance in the same way as in the past.

Will I have access to the same data and reports now that everything is in the SIS?
Yes! Where you look for the data may be a different click path, but it will now come into the SIS in real-time, rather than in batches from ScholarChip. The ScholarChip Swipe Report will be modified to reflect this change.

Will my current equipment and supplies work?
Yes! As part of this project, over the summer, the District will:

  • Upgrade your current ScholarChip attendance and ID manager kiosks that are less than 7 years old so that they can be used next year.
  • Replace attendance and ID manager/printing kiosks over 7 years old.
  • Deliver supplies purchased by the District for School Year 2025, such as new cards, cases, lanyards, printer ribbons, and cleaning kits.

NOTE: Many schools have ScholarChip kiosks that are not currently being utilized. Our technician team will attempt to get these devices up and running with the ability to access Infinite Campus. There is a possibility that some of these devices will not be able to be brought back to life and will be disposed of properly.

Will current student ID cards work?
Yes! Current student ID cards will function with the new Infinite Campus swipe system.  There is no requirement to re-print ID cards for any current students. ID cards generated from the Infinite Campus system may have a slightly different formatting, but will be very similar and will maintain the existing grade related color coding.

How will I order supplies?
A new price list is being created and will be available for ordering supplies through the ERP.

What should I do prior to the end of the school year?
So technicians can evaluate and upgrade/replace your current kiosks, it is critical that all ScholarChip attendance and ID printing kiosks be accessible and available in June and July for this to be completed. This includes kiosks that are currently not being utilized. This is included in the School Transition Checklist.

How many attendance and card printing kiosks will I get?

  • As has been the procedures, the District will ensure each true middle school and high school has one working attendance scanning station for every 500 enrolled students. If additional kiosks are currently at a school, all attempts will be made to make these stations operational.
  • Each school will have at least one card printing kiosk to create IDs for students.
  • Schools will be responsible for purchasing any replacement stations above the District’s calculated allotment.

Where should the attendance scanning stations be placed for optimal student processing?
ALL scanning and ID printing stations utilizing the Infinite Campus swipe system must be plugged into an electrical outlet and an active internet port. The system will not function without power and internet connectivity. This requirement may result in the school having to reconsider the placement of their attendance scanning stations or request new outlets and/or ports to be installed.

What Infinite Campus system scanning features will be available?

  • Students can scan into the system using their student ID cards or they can type in their student number via an on-screen numeric keypad.
  • Lunch period monitoring
  • Suspension Alerts – both with an audible alarm and an on-screen warning, if the student scans into the system on a day the system has them marked as suspended.
  • Ability to create ID cards for any enrolled student.
  • Student photos will automatically be updated in Infinite Campus when the photo is taken for a new student ID card.
  • New student ID cards will be active immediately after the ID card has been created and linked to the student.

What support will I receive for how to use the new system?
Training resources for the SIS scanning and ID printing processes will be provided in the beginning of August. We will also hold Office Hours in mid-August through mid-September.


    1. If a parent does not have documents (court order), but tells the secretary not to release the student to someone, how do we communicate this in the system?
      If parent makes this type of request, please consult with Rachel Holzman, Deputy of Student Rights and Responsibilities:
    2. Will the flags automatically appear, once put in, when the child’s record is recalled?
      Once a secretary uploads the legal custody document for review and comment, then the secretary needs to go to the flags tab and enter a legal alert flag. Once the document is reviewed by the legal team they will enter the needed hover text guidance.  This hover text legal alert guidance will be available to all staff that has access to the student record. LEP (ELL/ESOL) and SPED flags will populate automatically – secretaries do not have to do anything to activate these flags.


  1. What access is available for staff at my school?
    A document outlining school-based SIS access by HR title is available here.
  2. Who can access student health information in Infinite Campus?
    SIS has a designated Health module. Only designated users who are authorized to view and update a student’s medical record will have access to the Health module. This includes nurses and principals/APs.
  3. Will there be limited access under our sign-on when not at work?
    The Infinite Campus system is a web-based system. Users can access the system with their designated access levels and capabilities from anywhere they have internet access
  4. Will certain SSAs (Supportive Services Assistants) and SISLs (School Improvement Support Liaisons) that work in the office and help with attendance and registrations have access to this new system?
    The District will train staff who perform attendance and registration functions.  A document outlining school-based roles with additional SIS access is available here. NOTE: Principals will be responsible for identifying these staff members by contacting the Helpdesk and they will be required to attend training before receiving access.
  5. How can I find information for a student I don’t teach?
    When under tools, you can search for any student.
  6. When will parents get login credentials?
    The parent portal is scheduled to open Mid March 2018.
  7. The special ed teachers and athletic director would like to be able to look up the in-progress grades of the students on their caseloads and athletes. How do they do that?
    If you go to the Grades tab for the student, you can view their In-Progress grades.
  8. How can I access transcripts for past students?
    If the student was with you before the 16/17 year, direct them to the Office of Student Records.


  1. If I do not use a category (i.e. classwork), will its allotted percentage migrate to another category and will it be equitable?
    If a category is not used, weights will distribute proportionally among the other categories. However, the categories that are used will now carry more weight than they were designed to have.
  2. If I only use one category, does it become 100%?
    Yes. If a category is not used, weights will distribute proportionally among the other categories. Please refer to the District’s Marking Guidelines.
  3. Are weights pre-populated or can weights be changed?
    Categories and weights are pre-populated and locked.
  4. Specialists do not give homework. How will that affect grades for categories that are not used?
    If a category is not used, weights will distribute proportionally among the other categories. However, the categories that are used will now carry more weight than they were designed to have.
  5. Do teachers have the ability to communicate with students and parents via SIS?
    Principals will have the ability to post messages that students can view via the portal and once the parent portal is live. There is a message center available to teachers that links to the portal.
  6. Will the Blank Spreadsheet (roster report) be editable?
  7. Can the Gradebook show a class average or bar graph like the prior program to get an overall summary of how the students are doing?
    Yes! Turn on the Sparkline graph setting. To see averages for assignments, hover over the assignment title.
  8. Can I override a semester grade? Can I override a final grade? Can I override a grade negatively by taking lowering it down
    Teachers will be able to override at the close of a term. They will not be able to override the final score (average of all terms). An administrator can override term grades or final averages.
  9. If the system overrides a 38 to a 50, will students be able to see their actual score?
    Students will still see their “in progress” grade (the “true” average) but it is the 50 that will print on the report card and calculate into the final grade. The 50 rule will be applied at the end of the term.
  10. Does the system override a “0” for a missing assignment and make that a “50”?
    The system override applies to term grades not individual assignment grades.
  11. When an assignment is to be used in different subject areas, is there an autofill for both subject areas at one time?
    Yes. When creating the assignment, click “add/remove” to select additional sections.
  12. To drop the lowest score in a subject, can the screen in Category Detail be unlocked so teachers can drop the lowest grade class-wide instead of clicking individual assignments?
    No, categories will not be unlocked. Individual assignments will need to be dropped.
  13. If you click missing, late or incomplete does it recalculate the grade?
    The missing and cheated will cause the grade to recalculate using a zero. The dropped and exempt flag will recalculate and ignore that assignment.
  14. Does the student see a “0” and the word missing/cheating/etc.
    Individual assignment grades will not be changed – that includes any flags (missing, exempt, etc).
  15. When a term grade is a 50, can the student see his/her actual score too?
    Students will still see their “in progress” grade (the “true” average) but it is the 50 that will print on the report card and calculate into the final grade. The 50 rule will be applied at the end of the term.
  16. Are we going to be given the ability import grades from a csv or excel file?
  17. Kindergarten Reading Task for gradebook shows all of the standards instead of subjects. Is that typical for kindergarten
    Yes. Please refer to the Kindergarten Marking Guidelines for details about grading pre-reading skills.
  18. How does grade input through the SIS affect PVAAS?
    Course grades do not impact PVAAS. SpEd and EL teachers should be added as a co-teacher to their students’ ELA and Math courses to configure the PVAAS roster and AIMSweb access.
  19. How do I pull a grade report?
    Under Ad-Hoc, administrators and scheduling designees/roster chairs can run a report in the Reports-Scheduling folder called In-Progress Grades.
  20. How do we generate interim reports?
    Interim Reports will be generated centrally and emailed to schools for printing for the 2017-2018 school year.
  21. Will a report card be aligned to how the Autistic Support Students are graded?
    Only courses that students are scheduled for will appear on the report card.
  22. Will Learning Support teachers have access to their caseloads’ sections and when would this occur?
    If special education teachers were linked to the sections where the serve students, they should now have access since the gradebook is live in the system.
  23. Will class rank show on the Transcript?
    It will not appear on the transcript tab but will appear on the transcript.
  24. Can we import grades from csv files on a daily basis from systems ranging from Google Classroom or other online systems?
    This is currently not available.
  25. How do I see dropped students in my gradebook?
    To view students in your class that are no longer active, click the person icon in the upper right-hand corner of the campus instruction side and choose Account Settings. Uncheck the first box, show active students only. Students who have left your class will now appear in red.
  26. Is there a way to add extra credit?
    You can create an assignment that is worth 0 points. Any points you give the student for that assignment are considered extra credit. If you hover over the box in the gradebook you will see it is labeled extra credit.
  27. If we are switching classes on the quarter, will teachers be able to access their next quarter’s classes online in advance or not until the date they begin?
    Teachers can begin adding assignments to the 2nd MP at any time during the window as long as the due date for the assignment falls within the dates for that marking period. So, as long as the due date is set between 11/14 and 1/29, the assignment will appear in the 2nd MP gradebook. Teachers have access to their future term classes as soon as they are scheduled. When you’re in the grade book, use the drop-down near the top to change to a future term.
  28. When a student transfers from section to section or to a new school, can their grades move with them?
    Term grades (posted grades) will transfer to the new school or section when a student moves between matching course. Assignment grades in the middle of a term will not transfer.
  29. If teachers change the posted % at the end of the year, will the calculation use the “Posted” % or the “In Progress” %?
    Teachers are only able to make changes to the percent during the posting window for the current term. (Administrators can make changes after the window closes.) The final grade will be an average of all posted term percents


  1. If a student has a dose of 25 mg Ritalin and gives 1 bottle of 20mg tabs and 1 bottle of 5mg tabs, do we enter this as 2 separate meds since we are giving one from each bottle?
    Enter one medication for each medicine.
  2. How do we document that we have an MED-1 but no medication?
    No need to document if no medication to be given.The nurse can put in as a condition.
  3. Should blood sugar check strips be recorded in the medications tab and then scheduled with a daily visit?
    Blood sugar checks should be entered as a medication and scheduled as a recurring visit. If insulin is administered, it will be entered as part of the visit by adding the medication dose. Same for ketones. These should be entered under med tab and treatment. Ketones should be in the med log to be used as needed as part of a Walk In Visit.
  4. A student comes in for their PRN asthma medication. When in the health office visit, should the nurse just check the “add medications dose” tab to administer the med? Do they need to also check “administered treatment” in the intervention drop down tab?
    Any asthma med should be documented in the medications tab with no scheduled visit (PRN) and should also be recorded as a condition in order to activate the needed flag with a user warning that the med is in the nurse’s office. Whenever a student comes to the nurse’s office for a walk in visit, medication is administered via the “add medication dose” and then deducted from the inventory. They do not need to also add an intervention.
  5. Is there a recommendation for liquid dosing, especially Benadryl? Most liquid Benadryl is 12.5mg/5ml and the orders I have tend to be for 18.75mg, etc. Should we base our dosing on the mg or ml?
    Document in the comments column in the health office visit.
  6. Student has 1 kidney. Doctor wrote a note for no contact sports. The teacher should be able to see this.
    A ‘gym’ exemption flag has been created. The nurse should add comments about not participating in gym or contact sports as a user warning. It is now a condition in the drop-down.
  7. If you write a comprehensive note in “Health Office Visit” which includes location of student, location on body, activity, etc, do you have to use the drop down boxes in “Observations?” If yes, then is there a way that you can select more than one observation at a time instead of having to re-enter for each observation?
    For reporting purposes this must be documented as a separate observation.
  8. Can a nurse delete what another nurse entered?
    No. This can only be deleted centrally for legal reasons.
  9. Is there an opt-out for Tylenol/Motrin in the system?
    Yes. They are two separate conditions in the conditions tab (opt-out of Ibuprofen; opt-out of Acetaminophen). User Warning – Put in notes of decision if wanted.
  10. Can there be an “absent” button in addition to student did not show up?
    When the student is marked absent, this will be displayed on the health office visit calendar.
  11. When should the Contact Log be used?
    Use the contact log when you reach out to a parent to document and to collect doctor and insurance information. Please note: only nurses can see information in the contact log under the health module.
  12. How do we capture an insulin dose that is fractions?
    Because we cannot enter decimals/fractions, we are going to work around it until it can be corrected. You will put in the amount you received. Put in comments field enter blood sugar, carbs, and amount of insulin given to child. You can also document where given. You will handle liquids, creams, etc the same way.
  13. When entering physicals, vision, growth, and hearing screenings do not show up.
    On the screenings tab, generic physicals should be recorded under child and teen check up. Make sure to expand screening categories and save entries.
  14. How do we document when a non-nurse gives an “as needed” medication?
    Document this on the paper med log (MED-2: Record of medicine/equipment used). This should be printed out and left in a binder for a non-nurse.
  15. Is there a compliance report for school physicals [not just sports physical]? Will this be an option in the “real” system since it is not one in the test site?
    Yes, this is in the screenings tab, Adult & Teen Checkups
  16. Is there a cover test under vision screening?
    There is no cover test for SDP so this standard IC field should not be used.
  17. Where is documentation for meetings re IEPs.
    This will be in the Health Contact Log.
  18. How can I navigate to a student profile and generate an Alpha List?
    Nurses can view the student profile under Health-General. The State ID Student Listing report can be printed by the secretary.
  19. How would student information be entered into SIS for non-district schools? Will these schools be in the system and will the process be the same?
    Parochial schools and private schools will not be using Infinite Campus. They will continue to be housed in the Non-Pub Portal.
  20. Will laptops be provided for nurses at non-public schools?
  21. Why is it important to use the discharge field for health office visits?
    Discharge options are important for state and local reporting requirements – especially when 911 or other emergency medical services are activated (i.e., calling 911, being sent to the hospital, head injuries). Click ‘Add Discharge’ and choose the drop down option that most accurately reflects the student’s Discharge.
  22. Is there a list of acceptable abbreviations that can be used in nursing notes?
    Use only universally accepted medical abbreviations.
  23. Will we have access to grades?
  24. Nurses need to be able to address emergency contact info i.e., phone #s. Will nurses be able to flag that an emergency contact number is no longer in service?
    Any changes or additions of demographic data will have to be made through the secretary as is the policy now.
  25. Will we have access to information for students who transferred from our school for the purpose of forwarding medical records to the current school?
    All health records will follow the student on Infinite Campus.
  26. Batch screenings should create list of students that you can click to get into each student’s record. Example: batch screening for hearing, list of students who passed, click student’s name, shows hearing screening record to input specifics.
    This functionality exists under Health Screening Batch Entry.
  27. For Diabetes – a humalog sliding scale is needed – 1 unit for every 6 grams carbs. How do I enter catheterizations treatments, gastronomy tube reinsert, gastrostomy tube change of tube, and respiratory suctioning which occur every 3 hours? [applicable to Widener Memorial School]
    The amount of insulin and/or sliding scales should be added to the Medications Tab. Any other treatments, such as, catheterizations and G-tube inserts can be added to treatments.
  1. Can an absence code be added to the health screening batch codes so the system can note that the nurse attempted to screen students?
    No comment field in batch screening field. Go to the actual screening and then enter comment.
  2. Can we add batch bedbugs and lice head checks letters?
    Future enhancement.
  3. Is there a student inquiry screen for nurses to look up information about students that are not in their school?
    No inquiry screen will be available in IC.  Within schools all Health Office Visit data travels with the student.
  4. When students require a feeding tube without medication, this task is performed by the teacher or classroom assistant. Is there be a place to document this?
    The nurse goes in to document who administered the treatment under Condition > Treatment > Schedule Daily
  5. Many medications are self-administered by students [i.e., inhaler] with overview provided by the nurse or teacher.  Where is this documented? The medications in this case are not housed in the nurse’s office but remain in the student’s possession.
    Same as with tube feeding.  Nurse goes in and documents that student administered.
  6. Will there be an option for notification that a student is not permitted to have contact with mom/dad?
    Yes, via legal alert;  There will be a flag on the student record and hover text will provide guidance.
  7. If you put amount of med in and all used, does that delete order?
    No, best practice recommends that you set a threshold and contact the parent, but it will not be deleted.
  8. How to chart vision failed/referring?
    In the Vision Screening Tab, there is a status field =”referred”. There is a referral date field and a follow up section that can be populated.
  9. Does this system allow entry of immediate dates that are not compliant or accurate? i.e., MMR date 30 days early. Does system allow entry on or before DOB?
    No, it will accept invalid dates.
  10. Can we check if student is present today?
    Check the student’s attendance tab. If the student has a scheduled appointment, the screen will indicate if the student has been marked absent.
  11. Can we check system for # of diabetic syringes are left, # of ketone strips, etc?
    Enter the number of syringes in the medication Tab, as you use them and document their use, the inventory will keep count.
  12. OTC Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are STANDING orders. However, they are not entered for every student. When you administer med under health office visit, how do you administer acetaminophen and ibuprofen?
    When the student enters for a Health Office Visit, these medications will show as an Intervention.
  13. How do we review the complete immunization record for a specific student including dates when shots were received
    Under Student Information > Health > General > Immunizations
  14. Will medical notes carry over from grade school to high school?
    The students’ entire Health Office Visit history will be captured in a custom tab.
  15. Vaccines: Can the back end of the computer system be created so we don’t have to manually see if a student is really on a catch-up schedule?
    There is a report available under health reports ”Immunization Summary Report” that will provide the needed information. Report steppers are available here.
  16. What do I do if a child has a rare condition that only 6 people in USA have?
    If the condition is not on the ICD10 list, contact the team to have it added.
  17. What if student refuses medication?
    If the student has an appointment, the nurse would mark this as “Student did not show up”. If the student is in the nurse’s office for a walk in visit, the nurse would include a note in the visit comments, “student refused medication.”
  18. Do we have a spellchecker?
    Spell check exists in several places in the product. Spell check is also available from the browser’s functionality. For example, in Firefox, right click and you can bring up the spell checker.
  19. When working on the screening tab I sometimes notice the save button disappears. What should I do?
    This is fixed by refreshing the screen. All you have to do is click on the Screening tab again until the save button shows up.


  1. When will parents get login credentials?
    The parent portal is scheduled to open Mid March 2018.
  2. When is the Infinite Campus App going to be available for Philadelphia? Many students have downloaded the SIS app but Philadelphia is not supported.
    The Infinite Campus mobile app will never be supported for Philadelphia. The app is a legacy product that has been replaced by the Student and Parent portals – eventually, the app will be deprecated. Students (and soon parents/guardians) should access Infinite Campus using the web browser on their phone and their SDP username and password.
  3. Can you default the student view to the portal side since that is where all the announcements and grades are viewed anyway?
    The “portal side” of the Student Portal is being replaced by Campus Student, which is the view that students see by default when they log in. Unfortunately not all of the features in the legacy portal view are yet available in Campus Student, however, Infinite Campus will be correcting that in a future release. Also, “Announcements” and the Student LaunchPad are available in the Campus Student view – students do not need to switch to the “portal side” for announcements.


    1. Are parents/guardians required to include a government issued photo ID to register students?
      While the Photo ID is not required for registration, it is required for other established district procedures. Schools should still process applications whether or not a Photo ID is included as part of their application, but are encouraged to express to families the need for the school to have a government issued Photo ID on file.
    2. While reviewing an Online Registration submission, I suspect that an attached document has been altered. What should I do?
      If a secretary suspects that one of the documents attached to the application is inauthentic, or they are not comfortable validating the electronic version of the document, they should contact the parent/guardian and inform them that they are unable to validate the documentation. If the secretary feels strongly that the only way they can validate the documentation is to view it in person, they should inform the parent/guardian that they need to bring the paperwork to the school. After communicating with the parent/guardian, they should update the application’s status to Incomplete in SIS. Then they should UnSubmit the application.
    3. Is there a way to attach legal documentation regarding guardianship or custody to an Online Registration?
      The Online Registration process does not include uploading legal documentation regarding guardianship or custody. This type of documentation should be submitted to the school in person.
    4. If a family needs to submit a Residency Affidavit or if they are experiencing homelessness, can they apply via Online Registration?
      Families who need to provide a residency affidavit or families who may be experiencing homelessness should complete the application process in person at their school.
    5. Will parents/guardians need to fill out an EH40 in addition to the Online Registration?
      The Online Registration system captures the same information submitted for paper/pencil registrations. This includes information found on the:

      • EH-40
      • Parental Registration Statement
      • S865 – Student Medical Information
      • MED1 – Request for Administration of Medication
      • FERPA Directory Opt-Out Form
      • Notice for Directory Information

      All of this information can be found on the Application Summary for each application submitted via the Online Registration system. Parents will not need to fill out a paper/pencil version of the forms listed above UNLESS their application has been UnSubmitted and they decide to complete the traditional process instead of resubmitting the application online.

      Remember, applications and required documents are either submitted completely online or completely in person. Parents/guardians cannot do some parts online and submit some items to schools.

    6. What if there is other paperwork my school includes with registrations?
      The information collected in the Online Registration system represents all of the required information needed to register a student. Additional information can be collected and entered into the SIS at a later time but should not prevent registration.
    7. Will the Online Registration system alert me if there are applications waiting to be processed, or if a status has been changed?
      No, the system will not alert you when applications have been submitted or when an application status has been updated by one of your team members. You should be actively monitoring your school’s applications each day and communicating status updates to team members.
    8. How will I receive documentation for applications centrally processed over the summer?
      The student will be enrolled centrally and the pocket will be sent to the school.
    9. Can families still submit Online Registration applications after my school “maxes out” – if so, what should I do?
      Yes. Applications that are received after the school has “maxed out” should be processed, assigned to the wait-list and forwarded to the Office of Student Enrollment and Placement for another school assignment.
    10. How can I tell which “Completed” applications I have registered and enrolled in SIS via Census and which ones I still need to register/enroll?
      When a student is ready to be registered and enrolled in your school, you should update the Application Status to Complete. After registering and enrolling the student, you can add an internal comment to the Application Status, stating the student is “Enrolled.” When viewing the search results for Completed applications, you’ll be able to see the comments that designate which students have been enrolled. Secretaries can run the Next Year report per this stepper, to see who is registered for Kindergarten and that contact information has been entered.
    11. What calendar year do I enroll Kindergarten students coming to my school next year?When registering incoming kindergarten students, remember to update the Calendar drop down menu in the Enrollment tab to the 2020-2021 school year before you complete the enrollment process to ensure you are enrolling the student in the right year.
    12. Where can I document communication with families during this Online Registration process?
      When an online application is marked Incomplete or Immunizations Incomplete, an automatically generated email message is sent to the parent. While this is not accessible to you, it is logged by the system. This is no different from the process that exists with paper applications.If you want to document contacts with parents prior to a student being registered, you can keep a log on your computer or on paper and transfer to the contact log after the student is registered.
    13. If a child’s immunizations are not up-to-date, should the Online Registration status be changed to Immunizations Incomplete? What if the child is scheduled to receive the immunizations, but is not old enough yet?
      All students need up-to-date immunizations to register. If the nurse determines that students is due for a vaccine at the time of registration, parents should take them to their PCP for the appropriate vaccines, then complete their registration applications once their children are immunized. As with all enrollments, applications can be approved provisionally if the student is not yet due for a dose in the series of a particular vaccine.
    14. Can parents submit immunization exemption forms online?
      Immunization exemption forms will not be accepted online and cannot be uploaded by parents. If parents are filing exemption forms, they must register their child in person at the school.
    15. If the nurse can’t reach parents to inform them that their child’s immunizations are incomplete, should the nurse move forward and change the status of the application?
      If the immunizations are incomplete, the nurse changes the status to Immunizations Incomplete, which automatically generates an email message to the parent. Nurses can add any information they think is helpful to the Email Comments box, and these comments will be included in the message.Once the status is changed, the nurse contacts the parent to discuss what is missing. Nurses can update an application status to Immunizations Incomplete, even if they are unable to speak to a parent directly.  Then, the nurse communicates with the secretary so that the secretary can UnSubmit the application. This process should happen as soon as possible so that the parent can access the application again, upload the missing documents, and resubmit.
    16. Can a nurse approve an application, but wait to put enter immunization/student health data?
      The nurse cannot enter immunizations until the secretary puts the student into the system and enrolls them in the school, which can only happen once the application is nurse approved. After a nurse receives notice from the secretary that a student has been registered and enrolled for the upcoming school year, they should update the immunization and health information for the student in SIS.
    17. Is it permitted to send immunization documents back and forth with parents?
      Nurses are allowed to communicate with parents (including via email) about their children’s medical information.
    18. Are physical and dental records necessary to complete Online Registration? How do I inform parents these documents are needed?
      Physical and Dental forms are still required as part of the enrollment process, but schools cannot prohibit students from registering for school without them. Therefore, they are not included in the OLR process. For these forms, contact the parent.
    19. Will there be a form requirement for special health needs/concerns including seizures, physical handicaps, etc.?
      The Online Registration System requires parents/guardians to respond to all questions currently included on the S865 – Student Medical Information form.  Parents can also indicate their child has special health needs by entering free-form information in the online application. The nurse will then have to reach out to the parent for any additional documentation, which must be delivered in person. Services cannot be provided without these documents.
    20. Can the system allow for a future withdrawal date?
      SIS will not allow a future withdrawal date.
    21. How will you input a student address to check if it’s in your school’s boundary?
      The school boundary feature within SIS will allow you to check if the student’s address is in a school’s boundary. Applications that are submitted via the Online Registration system are automatically assigned to the neighborhood school based on their address.
    22. Will we still be able to create an enrollment snapshot on one sheet to see all classroom totals by gender?
      Run the Enrollment Balance Sheet – stepper available here.
    23. How do I print an Alpha List report?
      Secretaries can print out the “State ID Student Listing” report – stepper available here.
    24. When creating a person in the system, you are required to identify a gender. Is there a gender neutral category?
      No, not at this time – please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities webpage on the District’s website for guidance.


    1. How can I run attendance reports?

    2. After completing attendance for percentage of day, will the Daily Bulletin be available?

For K-8 Schools, the Daily Attendance Snapshot (previously known as the Bulletin in the SCN) – can be found in the reports section of the Attendance module. Click here for steppers.

The Daily Attendance Snapshot will show school attendance by homeroom, by day and can be used for lunch counts. It can also be used for principal attendance awards. Run the report for the desired date range and choose whether to display as PDF or in excel.

The Daily Attendance Snapshot report displays the following columns:

          • Homeroom
          • # Students Scheduled (# of student rostered)
          • # Students Present
          • Students Absent
          • # Students Tardy
          • % Present

The last row displays information for the entire school.

For Master Schedule schools, the Master Schedule Attendance Snapshot allows schools to choose a day and a period to review the attendance for that chosen day. You will see attendance by grade and for the whole school. Please note, this is a point and time report. It represents attendance throughout the chosen day, including the period selected for the report. It will change throughout the day as teachers continue to take period attendance. It uses the SIS teacher-entered period-level attendance and will include ScholarChip swipes at the end of the day to capture any student who was not captured during period level attendance. Click here for steppers

  1. How will I print the following:
  1. How can I access transcripts for past students?
    If the student was with you before the 16/17 year, direct them to the Office of Student Records.
  2. GPAs posted in Transcript are not the same as the GPA on the Class Rank Report that the counselors are pulling. Can that be fixed?
    When pulling the GPA Rank Report, make sure to choose SDP Weighted or SDP Unweighted from the first drop-down list.


  1. Roster chairs were told there is an option in IC to send a message to teachers right from the scheduling module to alert them to changes, but this does not seem to be activated. Can it be, please?
    We’re looking into adding this feature in the future


  1. Will suspension get entered is attendance also entered?
    • Out-of-School Suspensions – The suspension details must be entered into the Out of School Suspension tab. Attendance must also be entered into SIS with absence code 15. This counts as an excused absence.
    • In-School Suspensions – Student serving an in-School Suspension are considered present so nothing is required in Attendance. Suspension details must be entered into the In-School Suspension Tab.
  2. Will the suspension be handled by secretary, climate manager, etc? Continue to do the same processes/procedures in your school as in prior years. In many K-8s, the secretary is the point of contact for reconciliation. In many high schools, the advisor reconciles student absences.
  3. Is it best to enter a suspension after the student returns? No, for security reasons, the suspension details should be entered before the student starts the suspension.
  4. How do you enter a one day suspension? Start and End dates are the same.
  5. How do I print an Alpha List report? This report is available Student Information > Reports> State ID Student Listing Report. Click here for the stepper.

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