Program Admin

The Program Admin module allow users to assign students to academic programs.


Resource NameResource TypePotential Users
Assigning Academic PlansStepperPrincipal, Counselor
Calculate On-Track StatusStepperPrincipal, Counselor
Creating Course Requests StepperPrincipal, Counselor
Grade Improvement Programs VideoVideoPrincipal, AP, Roster Chair
Program Stepper (Targeted Interventions)StepperPrincipal, K-8 Scheduling Designee, Roster Chair
Program Stepper (Grade Improvement Courses)StepperPrincipal, Roster Chair
Targeted Intervention Programs VideoVideoPrincipal, AP, K-8 Scheduler, Roster Chair
Resource NameResource TypePotential Users
Academic Plan Status ReportStepperPrincipal, AP, Master/Assistant Master Scheduler, Counselor, SPECM
Act 158 - Using MYAP to View Progress toward Act 158 Pathway CompletionVideoAct 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Master/Assistant Master Scheduler, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person
Program Admin ReportsStepperPrincipal, AP, Counselor
Graduation and Act 158 Status (School) - Data VisualizationStepperPrincipal, AP, Counselor, Master and Assistant Master Schedulers
Graduation and Act 158 Status (Network) - Data VisualizationStepperAssistant Superintendents
Act 158 NCAA GPA ReportStepperAct 158 Point Person, Principal, AP, Master/Assistant Master Scheduler, Counselor, SPECM, EL Point Person